Q: What is my address?
A: Your address is either 8 Jenkins Court or 9 Madbury Road + your apartment number. Durham NH 03824
Q: Where is my mailbox key?
A: You should have received your mailbox key in your little key envelope along with your bedroom key. If you did not receive one, or it is not working, let us know ASAP and we will re-issue you a key.
Q: What if I lose my key?
A: Please let us know ASAP and we will re-issue you a key. There is a $10 fee and we will add that to your account, so you can just pay it the next time you pay your rent!
Q. Can I ship items ahead of moving in?
A: It depends! If it is a large item it will clog up our mailroom area, so please make sure it arrives no more than a day or two before YOU arrive (unless your roommates can grab it for you). Also, keep in mind that UPS generally delivers packages straight to the apartment door but all the other delivery services deliver to the mail room.
Q. Why are we getting mail addressed to someone else?
A: This happens quite a bit because sometimes tenants do not submit a forwarding address to the post office. Please just write “WRONG ADDRESS” to the right of the address and slip it into the “OUTGOING MAIL” slot at the mailboxes (looks like a mailbox).
Q. Why doesn’t a long lost uncle ever mail me a $1,000,000 check out of the blue?
A: This is beyond my scope of understanding. I am still waiting for mine. Keep me posted on this.
Q: I was notified that a package was delivered but I cannot find it. What do I do?
A: It depends on which delivery service was used.
- UPS usually delivers your package directly to your apartment door. If it is not there, call UPS to let them know. They may have additional information to help you.
- Fedex usually will drop the package in the mailbox area, but they have been problematic lately. They have sometimes been mis-delivering packages to the wrong building address or to the wrong location at the building (like sometimes at the main entrance of Madbury or even in the stairwells! I am waiting for them to throw it on the roof next.)
- USPS (aka the “post office”) will often put the package in the parcel locker(s) below the mailboxes. If they do that then they will leave the locker key in your mailbox. You take the key, open the locker, grab your package and LEAVE the key in the parcel locker. If you did not get a key, call or stop by the post office in Durham.
- Amazon Prime delivery guys are kind of a wildcard. But they usually just drop it in the mailbox area.
- DHL is a crapshoot. Sometimes they just drive by and strong-arm it out of their window in the general direction of our building.
So, the bottom line is, if your package seems to be missing, follow these steps:
- Walk throughout the building and around the exterior of the building to search for it (if you own a drone, then check the roof).
- Check your mailbox for the package or a key for a parcel locker left by the mail carrier (if delivered by USPS)
- Call the delivery service and/or company who sent it to you to get help
- If none of that works, and you are convinced your package is lost or stolen, fill in this form: